Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Ever played "Ninja" ? Well, before orientation, I had not. Quite basically, the game looks something like this to start:

First, everyone bows, and then everyone strikes a ninja pose. Each person then proceeds, in order, to make a single, fluid movement, in an attempt to hit anyone else's hand, or move in any other strategic way. They must stay in the position they have moved. The person about to be hit may dodge in a single fluid motion. If your hand is hit, you're out. The last person standing is the winner.

The game is, very simply, beyond dorkiness. It is amazing and fun. I may have almost lost my cell phone and wallet from playing this game so intensely, but that was just fine in a game of about 20-30 people.

I encourage any person to play this game if they and the people with them have nothing else to do. And please, do an extra dorky pose - create one like I did. For example, the standing, dead fish:

I am the Ninja master..

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